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#702 : Les fruits explosifs

Andy, Doug, Shane et Silas arrivent à New York et rendent visite à Nancy. A leur vue celle-ci fuit par la porte de derrière. Andy et Shane décide de rester pour l'attendre et Ed leur explique que la femme qu'ils ont quitter il y a 3 ans n'est peut-être plus la même...

Pendant ce temps Doug retrouve un vieil ami de fac qui lui offre un job, tandis que Silas réussit à se faire embaucher dans une boîte de mannequinat. Nancy est toujours à la recherche d'un travail, mais ses entretiens d'embauche en se passent pas comme prévu, et elle finit chez le frère de Zoya. Ce qui pourrait bien lui coûter un retour en prison.


5 - 1 vote

Titre VO
From Trauma Cometh Something

Titre VF
Les fruits explosifs

Première diffusion

Plus de détails

Au centre de réhabilitation,

Nancy est dans sa cellule avec sa colocataire. Cette dernière l’agace en faisant l’amour au téléphone avec son copain.

Le lendemain matin, son conseiller d’orientation, Ted, lui propose d’aller à un entretien d’embauche dans une fabrique de lampe. Il lui apprend que 25 % de son salaire sera reversé à la maison de réhabilitation. Nancy à des idées derrière la tête et demande du temps pour sortir se balader après son entretien. Ted accepte sa demande cependant, Nancy doit être rentrée à 13H30.

Nancy va à une cabine téléphonique où elle appelle un mystérieux homme. Le propriétaire des armes que Zola lui a donné. Elle organise un rendez-vous avec cet homme durant son temps de sortie.  Lorsque Nancy quitte la cabine téléphonique, elle aperçoit la présence de Andy, Silas, Shane et Doug au centre. Elle les observe puis, Silas l’aperçoit. Nancy s’enfuie en courant.

Suite à cet évènement, Silas décide de quitter le centre avec Doug, laissant alors Shane et Andy seul dans la salle d’attente.

Nancy part chercher sa valise dans l’immeuble où elle la cachée. Puis se rend à son entretien d’embauche. Le propriétaire du magasin refuse de l’embaucher car d’après lui, elle est trop nerveuse. (Sa nervosité est due à la valise contenant des explosifs.)

Shane et Andy se rendent dans la chambre de Nancy où ils s’aperçoivent que Nancy possède à présent des lunettes. Shane s’aperçoit de la présence de ses lettres dans les affaires de sa mère. Arrive alors, la colocataire de chambre de Nancy. Elle leur fait part de la vie quotidienne de Nancy. Andy se fait voler son porte feuille par la jeune femme.

Nancy rencontre le frère de Zola. Elle lui propose de lui rendre ses armes à une seul condition : qu’il puisse lui vendre de l’herbe. Le jeune homme après lui avoir fait peur avec la grenade accepte de lui donner 5 grammes. Nancy est très déçu car elle souhaitait 100 grammes. Elle finit par accepter la proposition car elle n’a aucune autre solution.  Le militaire lui propose de gouter l’herbe qu’il lui vendra. Après hésitation, Nancy accepte.

Silas est à un entretien d’embauche. La jeune femme le questionne sur son passé et apprend qu’il était mannequin au Danemark. Silas lui demande si elle peut l’engager en tant que mannequin. Cependant, la jeune femme lui fait part de ses doutes car le monde du mannequinat est un monde très dure et sans pitié. Après avoir expliquer ses problèmes de famille à la femme, cette dernière accepte de communiquer son book à des agents.

Au centre de réhabilitation, Shane et Andy s’entretiennent avec Ted sur le futur de Nancy. Ted leur apprend que Nancy pourra être très différente après ces trois ans de prison.

Pendant ce temps, Nancy se rend compte que le temps est rapidement passé chez le militaire. Elle part alors de chez l’homme et réussi à rentrer au centre de réhabilitation à temps.  Elle aperçoit alors Shane et Andy et s’aperçoit avec effroi que Shane a grandi et que le temps est passé rapidement. Andy lui fait part de sa volonté de la  faire sortir du centre.  Ted arrive alors et arrache Nancy à sa famille. Il lui prévient qu’elle sera confrontée à un test de drogue.

Nancy in her room:

Cellmate: Shut your mouth and move your ass to the kitchen. Take the blender. Yes, that makes yogurt and frozen fruit and is also the young apple. Now put your dick and it mixes the whole. You smell the fruit crashing against your cock? Crazy and your dick in the center, where ...

Nancy: Hi, this is the new roommate. Sorry to interpose myself. But the day was hard. An egg beater? If you need, okay. Amen. Remember to turn off equipment after. It's more about. The battery.

Companion: Bitch, you should not have to ca.

Nancy: I'm crazy when I'm tired.

The next day,

Guidance Counselor: This is the third phone that goes this week.

Roommate: This is surely the news that took it.

Nancy: Unfortunately I have no one to call to make smoothies. I can talk about Ted? I need to get out. Outside. It is necessary that I find a job? I must go seek.

Ted: Yes, absolutely, and you will find an interview for this afternoon.

Nancy: Really?

Ted: Downtown. Compulsory attendance. Go back live without seeing. 2 hours.

Nancy: Four.

Ted: 3.

Nancy: And a half? I'm new, I could be wrong subway. I have to get my bearings.

Ted: You must sign and date this document as soon as you enter and go out of the interview. And if you get the job, you will pay us a quarter of your income.

Nancy: And if I do not have the job?

Ted: You only pay if you want to stay. You do not want to know what job you are applying? The maintenance?

Nancy: If course, I'm curious. I love the lights, radios, everything is electronic. The chairs ... except electric chairs. It pays well this business?

Ted: What tile! That said, it's better than cleaning shit, what do most of the prisoners. Do not go like that.

Nancy: Sorry?

Ted: Not this dress hooker. The recruiter is a practicing Jew.

Nancy: I put it?

Ted: Thanks to the women of the Korean Church. Meet at 13:30. No delay of one milliseconds.

Nancy: If I dig my grave, I understood. There are no shoulder pads?

Nancy in a phone booth.

Phone: You have reached the sergeant. There, I wade through the mud. Send me a message.

Nancy: You do not know me but I have something that belongs to you. One thing that made bang! I'd be at home in 1:00 or 1:30. So for you I'll be there. Goodbye.

Nancy realizes the presence of his family at the entrance of the post:

The post Andy: Maybe the name Reyes.

Doug: Ask if there are toilets.

Shane: And if you can eat with it.

Andy: You can stop harassing me? I talk to the guard?

Silas: It smells worse than Christiania.

Shane: It does not matter. It should not be there.

Silas: I came to the job.

Shane: Oddly, when one hand, you want to make your career in New York. Granted you miss mom, be a man.

Andy: Fire Alarm?

Doug: Maybe someone goes down the drain. As the escapees.

Guardian: No it happens all the time. Sit down. It will warn. Do not go upstairs it is forbidden for non-residents.

In the waiting room:

Andy: You sit there or stand still? I am a nervous can.

Silas: Do not bother, it will not come!

Andy: Why?

Silas: She spun from behind. Why do you think the alarm sounded. She was looking straight in the eye.

Andy: She saw us at all?

Silas: In your opinion!

Andy: It's intimidating to see the whole family.

Doug: She had to go get some air and it was his double. Mine working in a sandwich shop.

Silas: I'm leaving my stuff in ness!

Andy: What?

Silas: For the job.

Shane: Place on a water lily is not a job

Silas: Oh yes, while a show that has the doll is?

Shane: Marionettes.

Silas: A plus.

Doug: I'm coming with you. Sorry, but this place reminds me of this terrible brothel in Amsterdam.

Andy: Damn, and the team Botwin? We decided to host the next woman you love.

Silas: Good.

Andy: It has probably dropped. Who ever did? It's family ... This is why one should stay. And playing Jenga. Or even make a sign. Welcome back Nancy. Who is starting?

Doug: I have a friend with whom one was drinking and watching porn. I think he lives in Manhattan. We share a taxi?

Silas: I take the subway.

Shane: We should have stayed in Copenhagen.
Andy: Can you now? Come with me! Do you have discreet and Uncle Andy.

Nancy in a building intercom and presses all the buttons. He responds:

Person: Yes? Who?

Nancy: I

She enters the building and retrieves his suitcase.

In the subway she's very careful about his suitcase

Women in the subway: His jacket? This is a gag?

Her friend replied: It seems not.

Nancy: You have no idea how this is a joke!

Nancy from the recruiter.

Recruiter: Why you were in prison?

Nancy: I thought it was not an issue?

Recruiter: I do not judge. Tax evasion is tax evasion. Let me guess ... you had a boyfriend in trouble?

Nancy: Can not you handle this? This is tricky. If I leave my stuff in the center, they are stolen. This is my business.

Recruiter: Are you nervous?

Nancy: Do not balloter the bag like that. He is old and I have nothing to buy me another.

Recruiter: My nephew was busted with ecstasy, in this case. Closure was damaged. It opened to the police. And your closing?

Nancy: Do not Touch! So I did not post?

Ted: You're too nervous for that job. You make me nervous myself. Sorry.

Nancy: Although

In Nancy's room / Andy and Shane:

Andy: You find something?

Shane: She wears glasses now. Real!

Andy: A technical defense. We do not hit women with glasses. This woman is a collector? Bug, I thought impossible to get things in prison.

Shane: It looks like mom all these cases.

Andy: It's an enigma? Riddle solved. A dildo? An improvised dildo carved from a soap?

Shane: My letters from Copenhagen. Are you happy?

Andy: Cling to that wall.

Shane: It would have done.

Andy: No, she has not had time.

Roommate: You touch my stuff?

Andy: Hello, Andrew Botwin. Brother-and marginal.

Shane: You're her roommate?

Roommate: You should not be there. She will ... You do not open it?

Andy: No, why? I already know all the recipes. Beef Bourguignon: Broth ...

Roommate: If you tell what you saw, I plant in your sister's belly.

Andy: It's a bit violent!

Shane: How is she?

Andy: Yes, we want stories of little habits.

Roommate: This bitch has fucked my man with an electric mixer. It fits you?

Andy: This is Nancy's son Shane. They are very close. An electric mixer?

Roommate: Yes, she did everything with a soft voice. Like this ...

Shane: You're disgusting.

Roommate: Well hello. I go to my course of anger management. We made presentations. I cut out pictures of ... my wildest dreams. You clear away ok?
See you later?

Andy: Yes I will be there often. To Nancy of course but if I have time ... I miss American women. It was fun for the knife. She suffers from ...

Shane: She stole your wallet.

Andy: Damn me guide license was in it.

Nancy is back in the building. She rings the doorbell. A young man opens.

Nancy: For me it's Nancy.

Man: I know who you are.

Nancy: I was hoping that we can do business.

Man: Who? Zoya or you?

Nancy: I'm here as an agent lambda. It means pomegranate in French. Granada ...

Man: Where is the rest?

Nancy: In a safe place. Far from here.

Man: You know it's dangerous here. M26 high speed fragmentation. With a radius of 15 meters. It makes you shiver? Nerves of steel. The steel is.

Nancy: But enough about me. Let's talk business.

Man: Agent Lambda?

Nancy: You are angry with me. But it's Zoya the thief.

Man: You think I do not know? It is a kleptomaniac with sociopathic tendencies. But I love her anyway. If she had not fired this idiot. I would have done myself.

Nancy: Well, she wanted me to sell your grenades to a mobster named Yv ... Yvengie. You should thank me. I could be there in Brighton Beach.

Man: What do you want? Money? A motorcycle? I have a motorcycle in the garage.

Nancy: Grass.

Man: I traffic PSP and noodles no drugs.

Nancy: Oh ... And it agreed?

Man: Entertainment staff.

Nancy: It seems you have had good Afghan.

Man: I have a friend there. It makes me extra for me and the customs guy, but he left. These are my final joints.

Nancy: You may be others?

Man: If I feel it's worth it ... Maybe.

Nancy: I think we could begin to 100g and after, one would think to open a permanent network. It would be 70/30 What say you?

Man: You are expected?

Nancy: No ... I'm in a rehabilitation center, which takes me 25 percent of a false income. I have a family who tried to trap me this morning. I have a 4 year old kid who thinks I'm his aunt. Lower status to the homeless and smoking crack. No, I have nothing planned ...

Man: I can not give you that 5 grams.

Nancy: 10!

Men: 5! And you have nothing if you do not bring me that bag.

Nancy: Do I really have a choice?

Man: Free tasting? It is I who offer!

Nancy: No, I gotta go. I really need to go.

Silas to a job interview

Silas: It is the home of Hans Christian Andersen.

Woman: How can I help you Mr. Guinard? This is Danish?

Silas: No, it's a tribute.

Woman: Fascinating, continue.

Silas: I just arrived in town, I did not even find a hotel.

Woman: Go on. And Jorgen?

Silas: Been Jorgen? This is my agent in Europe.

Woman: He told me about you. I love Jorgen! And its fucking scarf he wears all the time! I love it! What do you want?

Silas: I was just hoping .. And I know you are overloaded, that maybe you could take me as a customer. And I know I'm new to the New York scene. I have not done it, I also did a seminar for domestic violence. Finally for, but against course. Anti-violence. I'm jet-lagged. You want the concrete? I can show you!

Woman: Stop! How old are you? 24 years. Since when do you work in this area.

Silas: For 3 years, not two and a half years. In Copenhagen and in several other European towns.

Woman: Mr. Guinard ... I know the flick of a peasant who comes to town can become the idol of young people in northern countries. But here, you're a little soldier in a land of god chiseled.

Silas: But I could start from below. Making magazines by mail.

Woman: Come back there in five years. My mother has just been released from prison. This is not an excuse, but I'm a good photographer and I know that this medium is already full of vanity and oversized equal, but that's not me. I stir the ass, and I think I have a nice ass. And I'm someone you do not have. Something different. Someone different.

Woman: I'll keep it and see if someone died.

Silas: Yeah, bite me!

Wife: You get on my nerves. Oust!

At the rehabilitation center / Shane, Andy and Ted:

Andy: Is there a problem?

Ted: No!

Andy: Your head.

Ted: This is my normal head. How did you brought here? How cute your concern, but if Nancy is still the same old Nancy.

Shane: This is the case?

Ted: Not likely!

Andy: What else besides the glasses? A tattoo, a piercing?

Ted: No, Nancy returned from 3 years of life in a cage, to eat only once and beans. She has undergone numerous excavations in all parts of the body. It has surely witnessed rape, rape face, gang rapes. Many rapes.

Shane: It was understood!

Ted: I do not think. "Your re what to expect." When I left, I was angry, distant, aggressive.

Shane: You went to jail?

Ted: Yes. And it changes a man ... Or a woman.

Andy: So you say you should wear a helmet in his presence?

Ted: I say trauma, arises. From a drama or trauma result ... Anyway, I'm tired. I'll put this video.

Shane: You think mom has changed. It is harder?

Andy: No, he speaks of men's prisons. Prisons for women, they are teasing. Flight, Battle of cushion. What is this? We say that Pitgails to worry.

In the young man (arms):

Nancy, I think I ran away. It was instinctive ... because he was doing so well. And Silas .. Do you believe you? Model? This is normal, it has always been more beautiful. It has always been more beautiful than his buddies. Shane is old. Shane what? Genre 18? He must shave, and ... women attending must wear cologne. Like Zoya! It's not weird that I can make you feel?

Doug joined friend are on a squash court.

Friend Doug "the rocket" Wilson.

Doug: With "toad" Tillerman.

Tillerman: I thought you had disappeared guy! You play?

Doug: I have taste in travel. I left the suburbs to do my thing you see in Copenhagen?

Tillerman: fucking iconoclast. Dougie Wilson coasting huh? Living his dream. Fucking A, nice shot!

Tillerman: You work always?

Doug: No, man, I am retired.

Tillerman: Je environment, I can not pick me. I'm addicted to money like crack. Putin bluntly you're good, man. As if I could beat the rocket in a sport.

Doug: Chance beginner. I have the coordination that's all.

Tillerman: It's true! What are you doing tomorrow?

Doug: Do I take it easy, eat Italian, feel some ass, kiss women.

Tillerman: Not bad. But going to the office! Promise me you will spend.

Doug: It's more my thing. The tie gives me pimples.

Tillerman: Please, I beg. Jumped, I will present you the world. It was a buffet that rips.

Doug: Well I would go, okay.

Tillerman: Putin Doug Wilson!

Doug: Yeah, we're back.


Nancy: I do not smoke usually. By the way, why did you not have an accent?

Man: I've watched too much TV. You should take it easy.

Nancy: What am I doing here? They are certainly at home, kind ... telling me to wait or they flew like ... birds. What time it is. See that! Almost 1am. No, no ..

Man: More noodle?

Nancy: No, no. It takes how long to get from Queens to the north of Manhattan?

Male: 40 minutes.

Nancy: Damn I gotta go.

Man: Do not forget my grenades.

Nancy: What, oh yes I can not forget "grenade" You're going to race from the grass against these grenades. You remind me.

Man: Who?

Nancy: Your sister!

Video watched by Andy Shane and the rehabilitation center.

Presenter: Each year more than 600,000 criminals are released back into society. For many prisoners, everything can become very distressing. Even simple tasks like going to the grocery store or bus. And do not worry, if you seem preoccupied, withdrawn or irritable. This is the result of "the survival instinct in prison." Be patient, reopen the doors of emotion may take time. The goal however is to break the cycle of crime, to prevent a relapse of self-destructive behavior that led the offender to incarceration.

Nancy returns to center

Nancy: Nancy Botwin ... to the report. Look, 13.30. Right on time.

Presenter: Remember, physical contact can be frightening at first. Learn to respect the limits of your prisoners and learn to respect your own.

Nancy: Shane!

Andy: Oh my god.

Nancy: You've missed so much. Come here make me a hug. Come here. Watch me that. You are great. And that hair. They are sweet. Where is Silas?

Andy: It depends. We need you out of here.

Nancy: Oh yes!

Andy: They brought Pigtails in prison, I do not know what happened but there was a fight, they tied, and they brought him back. And do you know that 67 per cent of criminals who are arrested are expecting a little ... You are ...

Nancy: What?

Andy: Stop! Since when you smoke?

Nancy: It's just a little.

Andy: So that's why you pros we have avoided all the day to smoke with your new friends in prison.

Shane: You avoided us?

Nancy: What? Yes. Mom was embarrassed, so she smoked a little grass with a very nice military.

Shane: What?

Nancy: So Europe? It was nice? I've already asked! Want to see the distributors?

Shane: Mom!

Nancy: What? I respected the curfew. Right on time. I even signed a little heart next to my name. You saw?

Ted: It's time to go.

Nancy: What is ...

Ted: Sample of urine drug test, in my office now!

Kikavu ?

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